Department of Drug and Health Sciences, V.le A. Doria, 6, 95125 Catania, Italy
Office: +39 095/7384223


Combine Group on “La Sicilia”

Evading or minimizing animal testing, expediting drug approval processes, and navigating research pitfalls are the focal points of a team of researchers from the University of Catania, utilizing Uiss, the virtual patient. Uiss, an acronym for Universal Immune System Simulator, represents the culmination of fifteen years of work by Catania’s scientists and fits seamlessly into…
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Diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine has positive effects against Covid-19

The diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine may have beneficial effects by against Sars-CoV-2 and Covid-19 disease. The study was carried out, using the immune system simulator called Universal Immune System Simulator (UISS), by the ‘Combine’ research group directed by Prof. Francesco Pappalardo of the Department of Drug and Health Sciences at the University of Catania and was recently…
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UISS released as open-source

Today the COMBINE group releases as open-source (under Apache License v2.0) the main core of UISS in silico trial platform. You can find the source code following this link:

Antibodies therapeutics are partially ineffective on patients with severe COVID-19

Antibodies therapeutics are unable to protect patients with severe SARS-CoV-2 infection. This is the study conclusion by the COMBINE group of the University of Catania and published in the prestigious scientific journal BMC Bioinformatics. “The study had been carried out during the COVID-19 emergency in the spring of last year and demonstrates the partial ineffectiveness…
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In Silico World: Innovative solutions and new technologies to speed up the drug development

The overall aim of theΒ In Silico WorldΒ project is to accelerate the uptake of modelling and simulation technologies for the development and regulatory assessment of all kind of medical products.This will be achieved by supporting the trajectory of a number of In Silico Trials solutions through development, validation, regulatory approval, optimisation, and commercial exploitation. These solutions,…
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